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Muharram 2017


ASA held their annual sabeel during Muharram 2017. Holding a sabeel represents a basic of characteristic of humanity; serving water to thirty travelers, which was absent in the enemies of Imam Hussein. Providing water to the thirsty is highly recommended in Islam, the rewards of which are multiplied if the person is a lover of Imam Hussain. Sabeels symbolize the unanimous grief the muslims and non-muslims feel around the world for the loss of Imam Hussain. Sabeels also serve to teach service to the community while highlighting the respect and hospitality meant to be shown for the Azadar of Imam Hussain.

ASA members had an opportunity to experience this exemplary act themselves. While doing so, they felt the importance and rewards of this experience in-person. Aside from sabeel, the members and community helped to set up and clean AhlulBayt Center before and after the majalis. 


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