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Sports Day

Event details


    This event had been in the works for 2 years. We had planned to have sports events in the past but the one time we got the plan going, it rained and ruined the sports fields.

    For this event we gathered and high banks and had a badminton tournament. We had originally planned to include ASA juniors and have their own little mini tournament. But, the kids found an area where there were logs setup for kids to build their own mini cabins. They seemed to enjoy that a lot more and were unwilling to switch. So, we just let them be and continued with the rest of the program.

    The teams were selected at random. The competition was intense, people calling fouls at every stroke because no one wanted to lose. It was hilariously intense. After a long challenging fight to the finish our winners were Muhammad Shao and Roya Shahinfar.

    After the tournament was over, everyone was tired and hungry. They were provided a delicious meal of pizza and soft drinks. Some of the girls home baked some cupcakes which were also devoured at an instant. While eating lunch we talked about religion and the importance of having an ideal and who that might be.

    As always we concluded with a prayer and dua and went back to our homes with a new fire in our hearts.


If you have any pictures of this event please forward them to Thank You.

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