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Bonfire and Smores

May 31, 2015


Bonfire and S'mores was a fun event held at Delaware State Park on May 31st, 2015. The event was aimed towards having fun eating some delicious s'mores while learning from the struggles of a convert Sr. Ronda. We booked an entire group camping area in the Delaware Camp Grounds for this event and had an audience of approximately 30 people.

The event began with starting the Bonfire. The boys went into the surrounding woods to collect firewood. Dr. Shahin and Dr. Asif got the spectacular fire started, flames of which grazed the surface of the clouds. After the fire had been finalized we established the seating. Everyone was then given graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallow to make their own smores. Everyone seemed to really enjoy their time having fun and laughing when someone's marshmallow melted and fell off their stick onto their pants.

Finally we reached to the climax of the event. Sister Ronda blessed us with her amazing story and her struggles of becoming a Muslim. Everyone forgets the blessing we have had to be born a Muslim. She made us realize how hard it is to reject an ideology when you are born into it. Also, the things you discover amongst people around you when you change. Certain people are unwilling to recognize the change and do not respect who you are but who they believe you to be. Sister Ronda was initially shunned by her co-workers and mistreated for changing her religion and wearing the headscarf. But, she endured in the face of adversity and came out a stronger individual. She stood for what she believed to be right and we all can obviously learn a lot from her struggle.

The night ended with a few group games such as a modified version of the dodge ball. In this game a group stood in the middle while being shot at by the surrounding. If you caught the ball someone would enter back into the middle. The aim was to be the last person surviving in the middle, if you got hit you got out. This was a blast and everyone was laughing and crying with excitement. It was painful to say good bye at the end of the event. This gathering was a great success and we hope to replicate it in the future.


If you have any pictures of this event please forward them to Thank You.

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