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Camp Taha

Event details


    Camp Taha was one of the highlights of our year. We partnered with Dr. Mehardad to conduct this very large scale event. Br. Ali donated us his coach for the entire back and forth trip. We were blessed to have a decent turnout of over 20 college and high school age individuals. The event generally was a success and we plan to continue this tradition in the future. 

    The event began with us gathering at our local community center in the morning. The coaches were loaded with our gear and people. We head out on the 3 hour journey to Camp Taha in Michigan held by Hassanain Rajabali. The experience was one of a kind. a duality of sorts. A chasm of religious teachings and blissful entertainment floating together in harmony. It was a perfect Yin and Yang of religious obligation and worldly enjoyment.

    The students had a chance to enjoy various activities during their stay such as Archery, Rock climbing, Zip lining, Kayaking and much more. One of the great benefits of this camp was the sisters were separated and had their own camp ground. As a lot of sisters mentioned for once they felt completely free to do and move how ever they liked go swimming, play sports etc. 

    Aside from the entertaining activities we had a variety of different speakers who regularly gave little snippets of their wisdom to the group.


    The highlight of the trip was out tubing experience, a first for many members. Since we had a big group and were leaving in a very few days we actually were able to get a special trip to go tubing with just our ASA members. The experience was amazing, soaring through the water on a tube goin over 60 mph. It was almost like a roller coaster but only more thrilling. 


    At the end of the trip we met up with Dr. Mehardad and had chats about our experience on the ride back to our center. There we split again only hoping to be re united for our trip again next year.  


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